Islamic Ramadan and Christian fasting have the same objective

Johan Leman, 1 April 2022

On 2 April, the Islamic Ramadan begins. At that time we are in the middle of Christian fasting, which will culminate in Easter on 17 April.

It is striking that both rituals are about the same thing. Ramadan is actually the name of a month, not of a ritual. The ritual itself is a practice of fasting, of no longer focusing on the body in order to focus integrally on the spiritual, the non-material. This is exactly the same as what is meant by Christian fasting. The members of both religions are invited to spend a period of several weeks in reflection, distancing themselves from the average life as it takes place for the rest of the year, in order to focus on meaning, and correct, positive relationships with fellow human beings, whatever their beliefs may be.

Is it not an excellent opportunity in some neighbourhoods to reflect on this together and celebrate this commonality?
