
Since 2015, Foyer’s Roma service has focused on helping Roma people into training and/or employment, via customised programmes, with support from the European Social Fund. Some 90 people are currently receiving coaching from Foyer as part of this project, primarily Bulgarian, Romanian, Syrian (Doms) and Slovakian Roma.

Their wide experience and in-depth knowledge of the Roma community in Brussels helps the coaches to find the most suitable candidates. Individual intake and orientation interviews are then held with these candidates, to explore their possibilities, wishes, competences and the preconditions they need to fulfil. Finally, an action plan is drawn up with the candidate, with an individual programme aimed at training and/or employment.

The programme then begins with a preparatory phase to work on the preconditions that must be fulfilled (home, family situation, childcare…). The client is then advised about suitable training, internships and/or work. Their progress in the place of work or training is closely monitored and adjusted as necessary. Each stage is done in collaboration with regular partners in Brussels.

The ESF project is a collaboration between the VGC and the Roma service. The VGC’s Urban Policy Unit coordinates the project; the operational coordination on the ground is done by the Roma service.