Pedagogical materials

Over the years, Foyer’s in-house specialists have developed a great deal of pedagogical materials. Below you’ll find a selection of our permanent offer.

“Buitengewoon Talig”, language awareness for special education type 1

This publication allows pupils in type 1 secondary special education (“Buso”) to get to know different languages in a positive way, via 20 fully developed lessons.

For each lesson we provide a plan. This contains the course content, the development goals and the objectives the teacher is working towards. Information sheets, worksheets and source material may also form part of the lesson.

“Thuis spreek ik ook”

This bundle contains activities in which the home languages of pupils aged between four and 12 are discussed. Sometimes the languages themselves are central to the activities.

Where necessary, activity sheets are available and they may be copied. Each comes with information about the target age group, the length and the content of the lesson.

European language portfolio

My first European language portfolio

This tool encourages children, parents, schools and social organisations to pay more attention to home languages. Using the portfolio, pupils can show who they are, what they can do, what they have learned, how they have achieved it and what they would still like to learn. This allows them to play a much more active role than in standard language education.

The publication is available in the following language combinations:

– Dutch/French/Romanian

– Dutch/French/Italian

– Dutch/French/Spanish

– Dutch/French/Turkish

Foyer’s language portfolio was accredited by the Council of Europe in 2012

“ICO Pronto”

Intercultural lessons for primary schools 

This bundle contains 13 intercultural lessons for children in primary school, divided according to theme. Each theme has been developed for all levels of primary education: kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades.

“ICO Pronto” aims to respond to pupils’ real lives, encourage openness towards other cultures and create positive attitudes to dealing with diversity.


TaalGEZINd gathers good practices from work with disadvantaged parents who don’t speak the local languages and are bringing up multilingual children. The activities are described using worksheets and the pedagogical material is provided in Dutch and French. The emphasis is on working in groups but a number of elements can also be done with individual parents.