11 November 2022
“The spirit of Cordoba” is the motto of a successful project by the collective “D’accord de ne pas être d’accord” in collaboration with the Foyer youth work team and the Brussels Parliament, with the support of the AJMF Paris (Amitié Judéo-Musulmane de France). The aim is to promote dialogue between religions through conversations and an artistic programme. Over three days, pupils from 7 Dutch-speaking and 8 French-speaking schools in Brussels took part in workshops on the theme. The project concluded with a plenary session in the Brussels Parliament.
The collective “D’accord de ne pas être d’accord”, in collaboration with the Foyer Youngsters (Jongerenwerking Foyer) and the Brussels Parliament and with the support of the AJMF Paris (Amitié Judéo-Musulmane de France), is organising an event to promote dialogue between cultures, with “the spirit of Córdoba” as support. An ideas debate and artistic programme with music, singing in Ladino and Arabic-Andalusian song, dance and poetry.
Pupils from several Brussels schools will take part in interactive and creative sessions on this theme, inviting them to play the game of meeting and listening beyond possible tensions between communities.
They will share this experience with pupils from other Dutch-speaking and French-speaking schools in Brussels.
The project coordinators will visit their class(es) beforehand in order to
prepare them for the meeting at the Brussels Parliament.