20 October 2021
Dar Al Amal, Foyer’s women’s emancipation house, reopened its doors in September to welcome some 200 women who have registered for the new year (2021 – 2022). All of them have been vaccinated.
In collaboration with Foyer’s ICB department, Dar Al Amal contributed to the Brussels vaccination campaign with multilingual preventive and awareness-raising videos, flyers, posters and a stand in front of Dar Al Amal to reach people on Thursday morning (market day).
After a long period of digital contacts and an intensive summer programme of psychologically and physically beneficial outings for our women, we started again in person on 16/9.
We know that the pandemic has taken its toll on our women, some of whom were affected by the disease and all of whom were affected by the lockdown and everything that went with it.
These kinds of connecting spaces are valuable for the individual and for the community, to be preserved and nurtured in this time of reconnection.
Once again, we have realised the importance of a meeting and learning place like Dar Al Amal, as the place where women feel at home, where we can be together, where we can learn, where we can expand our horizon and not feel alone with our problems.
Dar Al Amal is one of the leading women’s centres in Brussels, both quantitatively and qualitatively, and has always been committed to the super-diversity present in Brussels. It has produced projects such as “Patience, patience, tu iras au paradis”, several theatre performances and the Voci de Molenbeek choir. We were also the pioneers in helping women get into the (bicycle) saddle.
In our new programme we added digitalisation sessions, to learn how to use smartphones (more) smoothly in order to be better connected and informed.
We opened our year with a nice group photo on the bridge that connects Molenbeek to Brussels. The bridge was inaugurated on 4/09 and named after Loredana Marchi.
For Dar Al Amal this was an important moment because, like Loredana, this bridge is there for everyone who wants to build bridges – and does – between communities and individuals.