Approach to migration/integration according to the new German government

Johan Leman, 29 November 2021

We base our info on the information that can be found on InfoMigrants.

A few intentions that can be easily realised:

1. Those who enjoy a protective status will be able to bring their families over more easily.

2. A stop for new Anchorage Centres, where people who wish to apply for asylum can be accommodated.

3. Creation of more legal ways to enter Germany (e.g. humanitarian corridors), and reduction of illegal ways.

4. Increased funding in voluntary return.

5. No repatriation to unsafe countries.

6. Facilitation of probationary right of residence for 1 year for people who in January 2022 have been living in Germany for at least 5 years, have not committed any crime and promise to respect democratic order. After 1 year, this can lead to a permanent right of residence if they find legal employment during this year.

7. Possibility to acquire German nationality after 3 years, with possibility to retain own nationality of origin.

Some intentions, of which the question remains whether they can be realised:

1. Shortening of the processing time of asylum applications.

2. A stricter repatriation policy for those staying illegally.

3. Obtaining a correct distribution of refugees between the different EU member states.

4. Obtaining efficient surveillance of the external borders of the EU through Frontex.
