Foyer shares experiences and expertise

7 December 2022

Foyer vzw can count on a lot of interest from colleges and universities. After a quieter period during the corona pandemic, groups from all over Belgium visited Foyer again in 2022. Among others, we welcomed students from the Social Work programmes of Hogeschool Vives and HoWest, Agogical Sciences from VUB, Nursing from Haute École Léonard de Vinci and International Journalism from Hogeschool van Amsterdam. Students from Odisee Hogeschool visited Foyer as part of their ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ project. Professionals from the social work sector also regularly call on Foyer staff for information sessions and workshops. For example, in October we provided workshops on working with an intercultural mediator for members of staff of Sexual Assault Centres, an insightful exchange for both parties.

On 7 December, we visited the HoGent interior design students ourselves for a lecture on the Brussels Canal Zone and an interactive ‘Mobile Museum’ workshop by Migration MuseumMigration. The aim of this session was to get the students to reflect on the living situation and housing needs of a super-diverse population
