12 February 2020
To mark International Mother Language Day, Foyer will be hosting a whole range of
linguistic activities. As of now until 21 February, we and “Huis van Het Kind” will celebrate
the city’s rich diversity with schools, parents and children. We’re illustrating our support for
linguistic and cultural variety this year with paper windmills.
Multilingualism remains a topical theme. The Brussels government has stated its ambitious
target of educating children in three languages, and newspapers recently reported how
learning Dutch is slowly becoming the thing to do in Brussels. Foyer celebrates this evolution,
but at the same time we want to see an emphasis on all native languages. We believe that the
home language remains the best vehicle for preserving the cultural heritage and traditions of
all Brussels residents. Above all, appropriate attention to all these languages leads to better
understanding of the diverse groups within our society.
The closing event takes place at Foyer, Werkuizenstraat 25, 1080 Brussels on 21 February.
For more information about our activities or to attend the closing event, contact Hilde De
Smedt, multilingualism coordinator at Foyer. You can reach her via hilde.desmedt@foyer.be.