In 1999, UNESCO declared 21 February as the International Day of Home Languages. This day is closely linked to an important mission of Foyer, namely the positive approach to diversity. The aim of this initiative is to preserve and support every home language.
This year, PIM@home, an initiative of Partners In Multilingualism (PIM), is launched on the occasion.
PIM@home focuses on strengthening the various home languages and was realised with the support of Sven Gatz, minister responsible for the promotion of multilingualism.
The core of the project consists of 10 short films for parents about language support in the home language. The films, originally in Dutch, are duplicated and narrated in 8 different languages: Classical Arabic, Moroccan Arabic, English, French, Romanian, Spanish, Turkish and Urdu. The material can be used in all multilingual families. In addition, it can be used specifically when it is felt that children are weaker for language and a stronger language stimulation at home is important.
Via this link you will find the programme with, in addition to the material for parents, a manual for professionals.
And do watch our inspirational video! 🙂