Speech therapy: a menaced profession?

Johan Leman, 11 April 2022

This afternoon I had a conversation with a speech therapist who works at Foyer two days a week, thanks to a sponsor. I told her that I had heard a spokesperson on the radio saying that speech therapists really couldn’t do their job adequately any more. If they want to do their work properly, with all the red tape involved… they are severely underpaid, have to work more than 40 hours a week and still don’t get anything out of it. She confirmed what the spokesperson had said.

So this is another of those very badly managed dossiers, badly managed because the competence is spread over different levels (federal administration, health, education) and because apparently no minister sees this dossier as a priority for his policy. This is very surprising … because everyone in Brussels knows that the waiting lists for speech therapists are endless. At Foyer, we know all about it. I am told that many speech therapists, once they reach the age of 35-40, give up. This is clearly not the way to solve a problem, and certainly not if no minister really takes up the issue.

In Brussels, the problem is very important.
