Molenbeek shootings

Johan Leman, 23 June 2022

In the articles I read today about the recent shootings, the tenor is: 1. it concerns a new generation of young people who start shooting more easily and quickly, 2. there are quite a few young people from outside Molenbeek who we don’t know, 3. it concerns a lower category of criminals who mainly focus on hash.

I’ll start by saying that I really don’t have a clue at the moment. But perhaps I can point something out? Since my involvement with Foyer in 1981, Molenbeek has been on an international drug route from the Rif in northern Morocco to the Netherlands. All these years, I have known that there were frequent and close contacts between Roubaix (and the North of France) and Molenbeek when it came to drugs, and for some time the Netherlands were included. Well, I cannot imagine that at the moment there would be an evolution in the drug-dealing competition at the local level without Roubaix or others coming to interfere.

So my plea is: would the federal level like to get involved in this local issue as soon as possible and take it seriously as a phenomenon that cannot remain without international influences. Molenbeek can miss a repeat of something similar to what happened 5 to 10 years ago like the plague.
